Thursday, October 21, 2010

Some new images.....

For my buddies over at ....

3d real-time model in Unreal 3 ARCHengine(tm) of Dallas Cowboys Stadium for HKS, Inc. architects

Model Specifics
   -38+ million polys
   -(secret) GB of textures
   -all dynamically lit
   -over 500 speedtrees(tm)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A trillion dollar deficit.....

A triilion dollar deficit is:

   - A stack of $100 bills 1,578 miles high
   - A bit more than $3,000 for every man woman and child in the USA
   - wow! 573,921 square miles of paper the bills are printed on (Texas is 268,601 sq. miles)

ok.... enough! (of this post and the deficit)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kewl!!! Unreal 3 on the iPhone....

OK, this is really neet and we are playing with this right now. It's just a matter of getting our models down in size to be playable on the iOS system....

Also, coming up with the scenarios on how this applys to the designer/marketer in conversations/pitches or such. Definately a tool for the inpromptu marketing opportunity on the ole' DART bus or commuter train or airplane, restaurant, hotel bar, etc. when someone asks what do you do.

....Hi! what do you do?? Well, it's hard to explain, I develop architectural 3D presentations using a game engine..... huh, a game engine? OK, look here on my L33T iPhone ....see, that's what I do.

Oh!! That is way Kewl!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lacie Drives = BAD

Just a heads up.... over the last several years we have been using various Lacie hard drives, RAID drives, etc.... Every one of them has failed within 24 months or so.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One word.


Use it. Live it. Be it. ......or die.

I have lived from the drafting board, to mainframe CAD, to PC CAD; BIM is what was talked about 33 years ago.

You change one thing on the 3D model and all the pages are updated.

'nuf said.