Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Revit Architecture Suite 2009 Student Version

Hey there! It's been a while, but we have been very busy integrating all the new features of Unreal 3 into our ARCHengine(tm) application..... whew!

I get a lot of students inquiring on how to get into 'real-time' - the best way we know is to use Revit / MAX / Unreal as your creation pipeline for creation of the models and input into the game engines. So with that in mind i want to be sure ya'll know that the new STUDENT VERSION of Revit Architecture 2009 is available. There are a lot of places to get it, but here is a link to one :

You have to prove your are a student somewhere, but by all means get the Revit Student Edition and start learning. Also, here is an excellent website for Revit tutorials:

Cheers.... rtRanger

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

25 years today ....

On July 1, 1983, I received my first copy of Autocad version 1.2 through the little Architecture/Engineering company I was working for. A few weeks later, through word of mouth, I was setting up Autocad on computers all over town and all across Texas/Oklahoma/New Mexico - FOR MONEY!! ......thus started a long 'Part-Time' career.

That started a very long love hate relationship with Autodesk that continues today. Over the years I have made a living supporting users trying to do their job using various Autodesk softwares. The very fact that Adesk drops the ball so often, or is so short sighted in their product development has created numerous opportunities for me and my partners to benefit financially (...but we're not rich).

So to Autodesk, Thanks! (...for making my 'part-time' job possible, and for so many others, so difficult)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Trip to Google Sketchup -


I have been invited to the Google Sketchup offices to discuss new trends in use of Sketchup as it relates to game engines and Revit.....

Any input you guys may want to put in as far as where you'd like to see new development in Sketchup??

Go to the RTforum and post your suggestions:

Monday, April 7, 2008

OK!! The FORUM is UP!!!

It's Alive!!!! You can log into the forum here

There will be a link here on the site soon..... can't wait to hear from you!


Friday, April 4, 2008

A few more delays.... got in the way.

See ya'll Monday evening 8pm, Central Time.

Friday, March 28, 2008

A small delay to add details.....

OK, we have the vBulletin software installed, but it has several configuration processes to go through .....So, a new "Go Live Date" - the evening (8pm central time) of Friday April 4th ....

Also if you have any suggestions for topics on the board I am all ears for suggestions, just leave a comment as to what we might include for topics on the board.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Progress .......

OK, we are making progress here. New server to handle much more posted content, expanded bandwidth (OC192 backbone - bwa-hahahaha!!!)

More Power = Better! ...just like in RT, Better = More Texels!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Currently .......

FYI, We are currently working on these projects:
--------- upgrades both software and hardware .....

Interopability between:
Sketchup --> MAX --> Revit
Revit --> MAX --> Sketchup
Revit --> MAX --> Unreal 3 (ARCHengine)
etc.....and any and all combinations of the above in various order..... of course Automess (autodesk) could make all of this easier if they centralized thier interobility to not only thier own applications, but to everything else as well.

Massive file size (30mm + poly_models) handing in Unreal 3 editor...... 64bit..... our only hope.


Message board coming soon!

OK, we are setting up a real-time (RT) centric message board for discussing all of the real-time issues and sharing ideas and methods.

We hope to be up and online by 3-28-08, if not sooner.