Thursday, March 10, 2011

iPain .....(3Gs)

Forget the endless dropped calls......

So, I just upgraded to the new 4.3 iOS from iTunes on my iPain (3GS, I'll be DAMNED if I am gonna upgrade to 4) and it brick'ed the unit. I upgrade the thing due to the last upgrades improved service sooo much. Dum, Dum, Dum,......

I did a restore and all my stuff came back (except my music as it's tied to my home iTunes and you can only have your music tied to one iTunes client - Suppose S'apple even knows what a client-server application does??? As they can't grasp the client/server concept and make all things available from all clients - STUPID, even STUPID'er if it is due to some restrictive agreement with MPAA.

HOWEVER, now the iPain will not connect to 3G, just stays on E (edge) all the time now.... There are a lot of things I like about my iPoop, but there are just too many things wrong and add the lack .....

Ah.... as I write this 3G just popped on.... SO must have been a ATT thing... I'll save comments on them for another rant.

Sad, but my contract is out on this thing in June and I am so NOT a S'apple iPain (iPoop) user any longer.

OK ....... If your a cool BIM'er, you must go to this

Great Scan to BIM conference = SPAR2011 in Houston, TX on March 21-24, 2011
It is well worth the visit if you need to see the latest and greatest in 3D LIDAR SCANNING and BIM conversions....

Below are some images of our recently BIMMIT scan to BIM process collected and created on the roughly 1.5 million sq. ft., mile long Terminal E facility of both the public and airside (three levels) at DFW airport here in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX